women to watch: The Soulful

Medicine womxn, Kirin Bhatti.

Kirin's one-on-one work with individuals goes beyond typical talk therapy to listening deeply on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Kirin listens to each person for the threads of agency in their stories and than uses energy work, meditation and somatic exercises to release thoughts and actions that are not useful and pattern in responses that strengthen their agency.

Although her work is deeply spiritual, it is equally down to earth and practical. Kirin helps folks identify what it is in the present that is keeping them stuck and how to shift. Over time, clients not only understand themselves better but feel different in their bodies, more still, connected, faithful, grounded and able to dream. In this way her clients build faith and trust in their journey and walk step by step towards deeper healing of trauma, ancestry, social conditioning and negative thoughts in a way that feels good, doable and playful.

This work is truly rooted in activism as Kirin can feel and see that as each person reclaims their true essence, our earth and world reclaims a part of it's essence. She also exercises her role as an activist offering her work in an accessible way to organizations and to bipoc, queer and low-income individuals.


a fresh start


women to watch: The sensual