grow in grace

Dear Ones,

I love the word grace. It's most basic definition means, 'simple elegance or refinement of movement.' I've been thinking a lot about refinement of movement and how different chapters of our lives require us to move differently through the world. We build up skills intended to support us, and those tools of support work for a while. Then a new chapter emerges and new tools are needed. Each new challenge requires new tools (or sharpening of existing tools).

Right now we are individually and collectively in need of new tools to move us through this current chapter. What worked for you pre-COVID may not be the level of support you need now. So, refine your movements. Refinement indicates small, incremental shifts. Evaluate your self-care tool kit and see if the tools you have are working to support you in the ways you need. If they aren't, what can you change? What can you stop doing or do less of? What can you start doing or do more of? This isn't a call to put more pressure on yourself, this isn't about 'achieving,' or 'producing.' It's about creating a life where you take ownership of the way you take care of yourself and the habits you create so you can heal, grow, connect, and feel at peace within yourself despite whatever chaos swirls around you. Get quiet & still and ask yourself - what does your body, heart, mind, and spirit need to navigate this current chapter of your life? Are you refining your movements to meet your current needs? Are you growing with grace?

Here are some current resources I've added to my self-care tool kit:

Mind: The Happiness Lab podcast, a Yale professor explores the latest scientific research on what creates a happy life.

Body: Down Dog App, and not just for yoga anymore! The team at DDA has inspired me yet again. They have expanded their offerings to include Barre, HIIT, pre-natal yoga, *AND* Yoga Nidra. You can even apply for a free subscription if funds are tight.

Heart: Priya Parker's new podcast, Together Apart. This amazing human speaks to all the ways we can keep our hearts connected to others during this 'together apart,' chapter of human history. Inspiring & practical.

Spirit: Finding Ease in Aloneness is a great resource for anyone feeling isolated or alone who wants to keep hope high. You can listen to Stephen Batchelor on OnBeing podcast with Krista Tippett.

Friends, I was hesitant to reach out as I didn't want to be yet another addition of noise in a world that feels way too noisy right now, but I sincerely hope this idea or these resources serve you in some, even small, way. Let this be a momentary spark that encourages you to refine your movements so you can move through this current chapter with a bit more ease. I hope that you and the people you love are safe, healthy, and finding ways to hold each other close through this confusing time.

Love, Maria


begin again


women to watch: the inspiring