women to watch: the inspiring

Licensed Therapist, Haneen Ahmad.

Haneen Ahmad is a licensed therapist and mindset coach. Over the last decade she has supported hundred's of individuals and families with mental health and daily life/family challenges. She aims to engage individuals in impactful conversations that will empower them to make changes in their lives. Her passion is to support clients to foster and sustain their healthiest lives possible.

This month Haneen is launching a 7 day 'Love Yourself,' challenge where you will be gifted one daily email with easy to use resources and tangible (but inspiring!) skills for increasing self-love in your life. Daily emails will include; a short video on that day’s message and challenge, an action step or journaling prompt, a loving affirmation, a guided meditation, and an inspiring song to light up your day. Don't miss out, registration ends 2/12 so sign-up now and take the challenge.

You can work with Haneen in person or remotely if:

-You desire to make meaningful change in your life

-You want to cultivate a stronger sense of self-love

-You hope to shift your mindset in a more positive direction


grow in grace


all about the sex