lean in to self-love

Friends, I have self-love on my mind. For the past few months I have been doing a deep dive into what those words actually mean and how to bring them into my life and the lives of those I love & teach in a genuine way. What I've discovered on this journey is that while this concept is currently trending, most of what's recommended and spoken about are EXTERNAL ways of demonstrating self-love. Bubble baths, massages, quiet time, meditation, breaks from social media, more rest, nourishing food, etc. While I completely agree with all of the above as methods of self-care, and that self-care is an important component of self-love, the real work of self-love is INTERNAL. Primarily, your thoughts. The stories & narratives that run through your mind are either limiting or liberating. Which are yours?

I found the best way to make the transition from limiting to liberating beliefs is to start to notice. Simply, notice. Get quiet and still long enough to observe the thoughts that run through your mind. Start to observe which thoughts cause emotions of self-loathing and which thoughts cause emotions of self-love. Then it's a constant reprogramming, and there's so many tools out there to support your new, self-love soaked paradigms. (just ask me, happy to share resources!)

Invest in yourself. Love yourself. Let yourself expand. You're worth it.

So much love,



listening to your heart


a fresh start