strong openings

Happy new year, friends!

Last month we talked about the importance of closing cycles of life with intention. The new year provides the perfect opportunity for strong openings- how do we move into a new cycle thoughtfully, with intention and clear purpose? It's the time of year for goal setting, resolutions, intentions, and focus on what feels most important to bring to life in the year ahead.

My question for us to ponder as a community of heart-centered humans, what is the mindset driving these goals & intentions? Are these goals motivated by feelings and thoughts that you aren't enough exactly as you are? Is there pain driving these choices? A deep desire to be something other than exactly who and what you are?

For years, my feelings of lack, inadequacy, and pain drove my goals. I never felt good enough, smart enough, attractive enough...the list went on and I pursued goals aggressively, hoping that the achievement of those objectives would help me feel better about who I was. Turns out, that approach only led to short-term feelings of accomplishment, not the deeper peace I was seeking.

Humans crave expansion. We want to be growing, evolving, adapting, and changing. It's an internal drive that should be honored and respected. Your mission is to cultivate an awareness of the distinction between that deeply human internal drive for growth, versus striving because you think something is wrong with you. This distinction is paramount to living a life with greater peace and less suffering. My challenge for us all, can we stop holding any perceived imperfections as a problem in need of solving and instead approach our own development with the understanding that every part of us is here for a reason. All of our parts, those we perceive as strengths and those we see as deficits, they all matter. They all have value. There is nothing to "fix," so much as areas to acknowledge, accept, and love more fully. Can we explore the multitude of ways our hearts and spirits are longing to evolve and give them the space to grow wide without letting the motivation come from feelings of lack? We can. You can. And our 2020 will feel better and grow even more full when we lead from that place.

May we learn to accept ourselves fully and invite our expansion to radiate from the depth of that sweet place.



all about the sex


women to watch: the Liberated