women to watch: The Creative

Transformational Branding, Claudia Miro.

“I believe creativity is our birthright. I believe more and more of us are being called to create from a place of wholeness - to marry the masculine and the feminine, and to infuse the fullness of who we are into every aspect of our lives; including and especially in business. As women in particular, we are being called to ‘show up’ and be more visible - to step up as leaders, and to use our essence as feminine, conscious creators to impact those we serve and design new paradigms for how business and life can be done. I am passionate about helping soulful women business owners and leaders ‘be seen’ and to have the confidence to share themselves and their work fully in the world. I help my clients get clear about their vision, and then design and develop a thoughtful brand so that they can live a life of fulfillment, abundance, and freedom.”

As Chief Inspiration Officer at The Inspired Brand, Claudia Miró has dedicated the last 11 years to helping over 200 business owners and nonprofits make a bigger impact online - and in the world. She has held various roles as a Brand & Web Strategist, Designer, Marketing Communications Consultant, Coworking Space Founder, NonProfit Board Member and Interim Executive Director with an orphanage in Cusco, Peru. In addition to her professional and creative roles, she considers herself first and foremost a seeker, a Yogi, and a student of life. She completed her 200-hour Tantra Flow RYTT, and practices regularly - both on and off her mat.

Claudia believes that entrepreneurship is a deeply creative and transformational journey. Hers has been a source and catalyst for dramatic personal, professional and spiritual growth. Along with the many coaches, teachers, and mentors she has worked with over the years, she has forged deep relationships with several communities that weave together both entrepreneurial and spiritual wisdom, and gathered a beautiful “tribe” of collaborators, colleagues, and friends.


Digital minimalism


listening to your heart